dimanche 24 mars 2013

New York nostalgia

Même à un simple point de vue réaliste, les pays que nous désirons tiennent à chaque moment beaucoup plus de place dans notre vie véritable, que le pays où nous nous trouvons effectivement. – Marcel Proust, Du côté de chez Swann

Missing New York quite intensely. If ever I had any doubt of wanting to make Manhattan my permanent home one day, it is now absolutely clear to me: there is no other place I would rather live.

2 commentaires:

  1. hey :) im not sure if you'd rather we comment in french...but i've lost so much of mine, although i was in french immersion for 8 years :/ but your blog is stunning, i didn't know you had a blogspot and have followed you on tumblr for a while. but i just heard that on the radio this morning! pandas...they're so cute aha, i think i should plan something there as well. new york is amazing though, isn't it? i'd like to live there sometime too, or maybe just outside. xox

    1. thank you! :) my first language is english as well - i am just working to get my second language certification so i am trying to read and write french more often. the pandas are all over the news, people are so excited! i've been to the toronto zoo before but not since i was younger, so it would be a good excuse to go back. living just outside new york sounds great too - it's such an amazing city but i do get the feeling that living in manhattan could fray the nerves a bit ;P xx
