jeudi 14 mars 2013

New York, day 14

An overwhelmingly wonderful place is the Harney & Sons shop in SoHo. I wish I’d thought to go there sooner—I got my favourite loose-leaf Organic Assam, plus a cup of tea to go. I tried Paris because it’s their most popular, and it was amazing. And it smelled delicious when I walked in because they were baking scones.

And Kate Spade. Neither the SoHo store nor the Union Square location are very big, but I feel like I could spend hours in there just staring. Love, love, love.

In the evening I took a ballet class at the Ailey Extension (as I was waiting outside after class the cutest little puppy jumped up on me; I miss my Lexie so much!) and went back to The Hampton Chutney for dinner. My favourite order, the one I get every single time (though I do vary between the dosa and uttapam) is the #14 seasonal, with roasted butternut squash, beets, goat cheese and pumpkin chutney. They are only going to have it for another month or so. So glad they’ve always had it while I’m here!

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