jeudi 24 mai 2012

April, May, June

my obsessions this spring;
♥ Zelda Fitzgerald’s Save Me The Waltz
♥ Impressionist paintings of Paris
♥ piano solos
♥ Marie Antoinette soundtrack
♥ green foliage, golden sun—springtime, generally (in Nabokov’s words, “apple-green light”)
♥ Sofia Coppola (The Virgin Suicides is my quintessential inspiration for spring)
♥ natural light and all its variations, especially l’heure bleue and the golden hour (of course)
♥ Paris Opera Ballet
♥ Bolshoi Ballet
♥ Edgar Degas’ ballet paintings and sculptures, always
♥ tulips, especially pink-tipped, white, lemon-yellow, or apricot
♥ F. Scott & Zelda Fitzgerald
♥ J. D. Salinger
♥ the Glass family
♥ Margot Tenenbaum
♥ the Pacific Northwest
♥ Nabokov’s Lolita, specifically Part Two/Lo’s days at Beardsley
♥ Chanel Le Vernis
♥ my ballet classes and the studio they are in
♥ crisp, sudden spring breezes
♥ yellow Labrador retriever puppies (I am taking one home in June!)
♥ grey, overcast weather
♥ New York, London, and Paris
♥ Carey Mulligan (looking forward to this, and always loving An Education & Never Let Me Go)
♥ carnations and their resemblance to ballet skirts
♥ Paris rooftops and window light
♥ the Lula Issue 14 editorial,  “That Was My Veil”
♥ Moleskine watercolour notebooks, Windsor & Newton watercolours + gouache
♥ Alfred Eisenstadt’s photos of the Paris Opera Ballet dancers
♥ the reemergence of jelly sandals, one of my favourite things as a child

Boulevard Montmartre, printemps by Camille Pissarro

Degas, Dancer at the Photographers: 1875

Save Me the WaltzDear Scott, Dearest Zelda: The Love Letters of F. Scott and Zelda FitzgeraldTender Is the Night (With Author's Final Revisions)
(I read these in sequence and highly recommend it)

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